It's been nearly a month since I wore anything feminine. Last night at bedtime, Mistress made me go put on a nighty. Apparently I needed a little push as I hadn't done it on my own. She also told me I had to start wearing my perfume today as well as items under my work clothes. I managed to sleep in my new chastity device last night, which woke me up with a few hardons. When I woke up this morning, I put on my perfume. It was powerful to say the least as I instantly decided to dress fully this morning even though it wasn't yet required. Not only that, but I went all out. I am in a black bra, black see through blouse, black skirt and my 6 inch black pumps with ankle straps. The perfume goes straight to my brain and affects me in some very powerful way. While I enjoyed the comfort of my male clothes I have to admit, I like the femininity as well as the challenge of wearing heels and other less comfortable clothes. It fucks with my mind in all the right ways.
As we were falling asleep last night, Mistress teased my locked up cock and told me not to worry, we would be having normal sex again soon. I asked what that meant and she told me we would be having sex that gave her orgasms, implying that I won't be cumming any time soon. I really can't blame her. When I cum I lose the desire and lust that makes me a slutty submissive. I become a bit belligerent and harder to deal with. By keeping me from having an orgasm she keeps me in the right frame of mind. By us having frequent sex and making my focus about her pleasure, we both win. It's been 46 days since my last orgasm of which 17 days were due to circumstances beyond our control. In case anyone is feeling sorry for me, at this point last year I only had 2 orgasms. I've already had 3 this year.
Mistress tweaked one of our protocols the other day. In the past, I would get up and get her coffee prepared by getting the machine all set up so that all she had to do was hit the button when she got up. I was able to keep working at my desk. Now when she gets up, I have to prepare the coffee and serve it to her on the sofa. Yesterday it was no big deal, but I just heard her get up. I realized that I won't get to hide my feminine outfit behind my desk. I will soon have to get up and work in the kitchen and serve her. Just like a desperate feminized slut should be doing.
I like the extra protocol and am yearning for Mistress to clamp down on me and to make my life a bit more difficult. To make sure I am doing all that is required of me and to hold me accountable, makes me feel owned and safe.
As we were falling asleep last night, Mistress teased my locked up cock and told me not to worry, we would be having normal sex again soon. I asked what that meant and she told me we would be having sex that gave her orgasms, implying that I won't be cumming any time soon. I really can't blame her. When I cum I lose the desire and lust that makes me a slutty submissive. I become a bit belligerent and harder to deal with. By keeping me from having an orgasm she keeps me in the right frame of mind. By us having frequent sex and making my focus about her pleasure, we both win. It's been 46 days since my last orgasm of which 17 days were due to circumstances beyond our control. In case anyone is feeling sorry for me, at this point last year I only had 2 orgasms. I've already had 3 this year.
Mistress tweaked one of our protocols the other day. In the past, I would get up and get her coffee prepared by getting the machine all set up so that all she had to do was hit the button when she got up. I was able to keep working at my desk. Now when she gets up, I have to prepare the coffee and serve it to her on the sofa. Yesterday it was no big deal, but I just heard her get up. I realized that I won't get to hide my feminine outfit behind my desk. I will soon have to get up and work in the kitchen and serve her. Just like a desperate feminized slut should be doing.
I like the extra protocol and am yearning for Mistress to clamp down on me and to make my life a bit more difficult. To make sure I am doing all that is required of me and to hold me accountable, makes me feel owned and safe.