Monday, March 18, 2013

Teasing and more teasing

This morning's edging had me thinking about relentless, evil, body convulsing mind bending teasing with no chance for orgasm.  Where I agree to do "anything", humiliating myself with words until I am in tears.  IT is at the same time unbearable and something I live for.  I don;t know how to explain it.  Here are some images that paint a picture of what I am talking about.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hot Story

Here is the story I edged to this morning...

Anyways, back to my first vacation story.

That all happened before we left, and his suggestion of ass fucking moi is what got him into his first humiliating little predicament.

I told him that as punishment for that suggestion he would be first getting a paddling, and then a severe ass pounding from Adam (his biggest dildo, strapped onto me), every single day of our vacation (He usually gets it pretty hard on vacations anyway, but it was nice that he gave me an excuse!).

Full Story HERE -

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sweet Spot

Here are the pictures I edged to this morning.  I sooooo wanted to cum this morning.  My mind was trying to convince me that I could cum with no consequences.  Gladly I did not listen.  I love the feeling I have right now. Being so horny and there is nothing I can do to relieve the desire to cum.  I am in the sweet spot of wanting to cum so very much and so not wanting to cum.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Awesome device

This is the picture I edged to this morning. I imagined MBB putting me in such a device and not letting me out for hours. She would make me service her front and back. Lick her toes. Feed me. Out make up on me. Force things into my mouth.  Mmmmmmm.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dress Up

Last week MBB told me to wear something sexy on Thursday.  I chose a brown sweater dress and some panties.  I was out of my outfit by the time she got home which while a relief is also a let down.  To be dressed a certain way in front of her is certainly a form of erotic humiliation.  When MBB said for me to "wear something sexy" I debated on feminine sexy or masculine sexy.  I have a men's latex shirt and shorts that are sexy, but not what I thought she had in mind.  I chose feminine, and classy versus slutty.

Thinking about that is what I edged to this morning.  Thinking about not getting to choose what I am wearing is a mind fuck.  Especially now that all of our cameras are hooked back up to the internet, MBB can see me at my desk all day.  Of course my dirty mind had me take it to the next level  I imagined MBB telling me to pack every piece of male clothing I owned and put it in a locked suitcase or even a storage unit.  She would tell me my clothes would be returned to me one week later.  I could wear whatever I wanted or nothing at all for that matter.  What she didn't tell me that was anything I owned which was not overtly feminine had also been removed from the house.  All of that thinking got me to the edge very quickly several times that I never got beyond it and had to stop edging before I could elaborate on it.  My pic to go with this post is a crossdresser outfit I could imagine having to wear while I work at home.